New film: ‘Sowers of Life and Consciousness’ with Ananda Guillet, President of the Kokopelli association

Ananda Guillet, président de l'association Kokopelli

With spring just around the corner and many gardeners, market gardeners and other growers preparing their new seeds, we are delighted to present our latest film ‘Sowers of Life and Consciousness’ with Ananda Guillet, President of the Kokopelli association.

At the heart of biodiversity, seeds are much more than just seeds. They are the foundation of our diet, the vital link that unites us to the Earth.

But today the subject of seeds and the challenges they face in the face of the agri-food industry plunge us into a global issue with major stakes for humanity.

In the midst of this worrying situation, there are positive actions that offer hope.

It was on our way to Morocco at the end of 2023, via Ariège (France), that we discovered Kokopelli, an association dedicated to the protection and distribution of reproducible organic seeds free of rights.

Fascinated by the strength and beauty of this movement, we wanted to meet Ananda Guillet, President of Kokopelli and a fervent defender of life itself. Through his personal and professional accounts, we explore the challenges of agroecology, seed and food autonomy, a new agricultural paradigm, organic market gardening, food crops and local and international solidarity.

This film is an invitation to rediscover the beauty and richness of our living heritage, to understand the challenges of preserving it, and to commit to a future in which biodiversity is respected.

(Please note that this film was neither sponsored nor commissioned by Kokopelli and is the result of our own initiative).


Film "Semeurs de Vie et de Conscience" avec Ananda Guillet, président de l'association Kokopelli

Thanks for your support (Tipeee / PayPal) :

We would like to remind you that in order to produce and distribute our films independently and preserve an authentic message, we have chosen to do so through community support and donations.
You can support us on the Tipeee and Paypal platforms.

15% for “Seeds Without Boundaries” :

For donations linked to Kokopelli, we undertake to donate 15% of your donation to their “Seeds Without Boundaries” initiative. Please specify ‘SSF’ in your message.

Thank you very much for your contribution, whatever it may be, and don’t hesitate to share this film if you liked it.


We wish you all a pleasant spring, and successfull seeding !

Céline & Sam

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