Imagine a labyrinth, blue, narrow, that of all the senses, of all sorts of smells mixed with captivating sounds and dotted here and there with bright colors. A labyrinth that makes your head spin when you try to find something. Here we are, in Chefchaouen, an essential stopover for travelers heading south of Morocco, towards the desert.
Why is this village blue?
According to my meager research, it is difficult to find a single reason for this coloring, everyone pulls the blanket to their side. You can find everything there: blue as a symbol of the sky, of God, of the Mediterranean, of a nearby waterfall. Some say that it keeps mosquitoes away, others that it attracts tourists.
In any case, it is very beautiful … when you like blue.
Do you like blue?
Are you ready to dive with me?
I am always curious, even impatient, to revisit places I have already visited and so I was looking forward to this stopover.
Wandering and getting lost in the alleys of the medina is a pleasure that I never tire of.
Photographically, I did not know how to approach this blue network from another angle, having already taken a good number of images 4 years ago. However, I wondered what, in 4 years, could have changed in my perspective.
A beauty salon, the photo of a woman with blue nails hanging on a white door … and there it is, in the box, square. The series will therefore be square, refined, light, relaxing, I need it. Eliminate visual and mental parasites, get rid of the excess, of what disturbs.
I put myself in my bubble, I narrowed my gaze, and I saw details, fragments of life, associations of colors, shapes. Every now and then, at the corner of a street, I am pulled out of this dream by a salam aleykoum.
I speak of blue in the singular, but we must perceive its plural version, because in a blue, we find all sorts of nuances. It is a bit like a couscous or a tajine. Everyone adds their personal touch. A pinch of this spice here, another there.
Like cooks, would painters add a pinch of yellow, green, magenta, white etc.?
Finally, it is the whole rainbow that is found in this blue.
To see other photographs of Morocco, in 2019, it’s here.